Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

New Member Offer

·         Subject to availability

·         Promo codes can not be used in conjunction with any other offer, this includes any Black Friday offers.

·         Not applicable at all PlayMoreGolf partner golf clubs. (Notably Bramshaw, Newark & Paultons)

·         Membership points tariffs and benefits may differ at each golf club


·         Guarantee excludes deals such as hot deals and Groupon and home club member guest green fee rates.

·         Applies to your home club.

·         To make a claim contact us on customerservices@playmore.golf

This is an Agreement between You, the Member, and Play More Golf (“Us” or “We”).

PlayMoreGolf is a trading name of PlayMoreGolf Limited. PlayMoreGolf Limited is registered in England and Wales company number 08727073. Registered office: Bloxham Mill, Barford Road, Banbury Oxfordshire OX15 4FF and acts as a credit broker and not a lender. PlayMoreGolf Limited only offers financial products from Premium Credit Limited. Premium Credit acts as the lender. Premium Credit Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services Register number 702718) Registered in England. Registered No 02015200. Registered office Emryn House, Emryn Way, Leatherhead, Surrey KT228UX.

By following the joining process at www.playmore.golf you are accepting the terms and conditions in this Agreement. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this Website. Using the Website implies that you accept these terms. We do occasionally update these terms so please refer back to them in the future.

  1. Definitions

Flexi Points: Points eligible to be redeemed at any Golf Club or Golf Course including the course you select as your Home Club.

Bundle of Points: Dependent on which Club you wish to join. Standard package of 100 points comprising 80 Home Points and 20 Flexi Points.

Club Levies: Some Clubs may require you to enter into their standard Levy Policy when you join their club. This is a contract between you and your Home Club and not Play More Golf Limited.

Points Guarantee: The Points Guarantee excludes any deals such as Hot Deals, Groupon and the Home club member guest green fee rates. The points guarantee also only applies to your home club. To make a claim under the points guarantee scheme you need to contact customerservices@playmore.golf

Home Club: Your Golf Club where you will be a member and participate in all Membership benefits as a Flexible Member, whose terms and conditions of membership you must abide by.

Home Points: Points for utilisation only at your Home Club and are not transferable.

Instalment Payments means purchasing 100 points in 4 consecutive payments over a period of 4 months. Upon each instalment being paid, a subsequent 25 points will be credited to the members’s account. Failure to make an instalment will render the membership cancelled and all points accrued will be cancelled. Upon payment of the 4th instalment the membership and accrued point balances will continue for the remainder of the membership year, at which point the membership will cease unless the member renews.

Membership: Your membership is with your Home Club and PlayMoreGolf Limited.

Membership rights: Membership terms and conditions may vary from Golf Club to Golf Club and Play. More Golf Limited is not responsible for ensuring each Golf Club provides identical membership terms.

New Member Offer: Any new member offer is subject to availability at your nominated home club and can not be used in conjunction with any other offer. Any new members offer is also subject to approval by the nominated Home Club and not all PlayMoreGolf partner golf clubs offer additional points for new members. Any new Membership points are purely discretionary and tariffs and benefits may differ at each golf club.

Product: Flexible Membership Scheme where membership subscription is converted into Points for exchange for rounds of Golf at Participating Clubs.

PayMonthlyGolf: PayMonthlyGolf enables you to finance the Product via Premium Credit Limited.  PlayMoreGolf Limited acts as a Credit Broker only and the lender is Premium Credit.  Credit is subject to application and Status.  All enquiries, complaints, customer service requests regarding finance provided by Premium Credit Limited must be directed to Premium Credit Limited as the Lender. PlayMoreGolf Limited is not responsible for any agreements between Premium Credit Limited and you.

Premium Credit: Premium Credit acts as the lender. Premium Credit Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services Register number 702718) Registered in England. Registered No 02015200. Registered office Emryn House, Emryn Way, Leatherhead, Surrey KT228UX.

  1. Our Contract with you

2.1 When purchasing your Membership, Play More Golf is responsible for assisting you to become a Flexible Member at a participating Play More Golf Club or Course and providing you with points that can be exchanged in return for rounds of Golf at any our participating Golf Clubs or Golf Courses shown on the website based on terms and conditions as outlined in the section  How to make a booking.

2.2 Your nominated Home Club will be financially responsible for the Home Points purchased as part of your membership and PlayMoreGolf Limited for the Flexi Points purchased.

2.3  As a playing member of a Golf Club you will need to pay the relevant golf union fee, if not done so already. This fee is payable to your Home Club who will contact you to arrange payment separately.  Failure to pay the requisite golf union fees may result in your Home Club suspending the membership or cancellation. In such circumstances clauses 19.2 and 19.3 will apply.

2.4 Your Home Club may require you to participate in their Club Levies scheme. This cost is additional to your Flexible Membership and managed on an individual basis between you and the Home Club.

2.5 We are responsible for maintaining your points balance, enabling you to make a booking and ensuring your account is accurate and up to date.

2.6 Once a booking is made, the provision of a round of Golf becomes a contract between you and the Golf Club or Golf Course. Additional terms and conditions that apply at each Golf Club and Golf Course will apply and Play More Golf Limited has no contractual liability to you in respect of fulfilling the booking. You will need to check in advance of arrival at a Club whether there are any special requirements such as dress code or producing Handicap cards.

2.7 However, we may still be liable to you if we have been negligent, we have misrepresented important information or have been in breach of any other relevant law.

2.8 Any matters relating to Premium Credit Limited need to be dealt with by Premium Credit Limited and PlayMoreGolf Limited has not access to any records held with Premium Credit Limited.

  1. Your Membership and renewal.

3.1 Your membership is valid for 12 months from registration with a 12 month rolling renewal. The standard minimum initial purchase and annual renewal is 100 points (80 Home points and 20 Flexi points) or via Instalment Payments and as a Member you can Top up your account with batches of 20 Home and Flexi points at any time throughout your membership for that year.

3.2 Both higher and lower renewal points bundle may be applicable dependent on your nominated Home Club, but will be no lower than 80 points in aggregate.

3.3 Failure to maintain payments either via Premium Credit Limited or the 5 consecutive monthly payments under the Instalment Payment scheme will render the membership terminated and any accrued Home and Flexi points will be lost.

3.4 If any Home points remain when you renew your membership, we will carry over your Home points to the following year. Carried over Home points from the previous year can only be on the basis of renewing with the same nominated Home Club and membership product e.g. Individual 100 point membership to Individual 100 point membership. If renewing with a lessor category of membership e.g. 500 points Corporate Membership down to Individual 100 point membership, the level of carried over points can only be on the basis of the maximum number of points for the new product purchased e.g. 80 Home Points and 20 Flexi Points.

3.5. Clause 3.4 does not affect the total number of Home points carried over in totality to the next membership year based on built up Home points over several membership years at your nominated Home Club.

3.6 Flexi points last for one year from the point of purchase and do not carry over to the subsequent membership year. Any purchased additional Flexi points last for one year from the point of point purchase. Home points are not transferable to Flexi Points.

3.7 The PlayMoreGolf plus membership can be converted to a standard flexible membership with PlayMoreGolf at a nominated home club during the term of the membership.  Conversion rates of Flexi points to Home points will be provided to you by contacting  customerservices@playmore.golf. 

3.8 The PlayMoreGolf plus membership can not be converted to any other membership at a club or redeemed for cash outside of the initial 14 day cooling off period after purchase of the membership.

3.9 Any awarded free points only last for one year from the point they are awarded and will not be carried over to the subsequent membership year unless agreed by your Home Club.

3.10 Any special offers associated with purchasing large points bundles will only remain if you renew your membership to the same level of points.

3.11 If you purchase a 100 point bundle of points prior to your renewal date, your renewal date for the following year will be brought forward to one year from the date of the most recent 100 point bundle purchase.

3.12 If you don’t renew your membership your account will no longer be active and you can’t use your points. You still have up to 30 days to renew your membership and retain any Home or Flexi points eligible to be rolled over. After the 30 days you will lose any balance on your account and your membership will terminate.

3.13 To refer a friend to join, the new member is required to add their friends registered PlayMoreGolf email address at the point of registration when prompted. When done correctly both the existing and new member will receive 10 complimentary Home points each. If not done correctly both members will not receive the complimentary referral points.

3.14 Please note Play More Golf points are non-transferable.

  1. How to make a Booking?

4.1 Members must log onto the website and then go to the Make a Booking section.

4.2 Members can use Home and Flexi Points at their Home club and Flexi Points at any other participating Golf Club operating the Play More Golf Flexible Membership Scheme. Home Points cannot be used at a Club other than your Home Club. To make any booking a member must have an account with a positive Home Point Balance. If you don’t have any Home Points you will be redirected to the Top Up points section where you can purchase more points or renew your membership.

4.3 Via the booking section a member can select the location, tee time and number of guests required up to a maximum of 3 guests. Please note all bookings must include a member.

4.4 Each club operates their own policy regarding the number of days in advance you can book a round. Each club also operates their own points matrix as to the number of points per person required to book a round of golf dependent on time, day of the week and season. You can review the points matrix for each Club or Course from the Member area and going to the page for each club.

4.5 The number of points required to make a booking will then be displayed based on your selection followed by a prompt to accept the booking. Click the confirmation button and the website will then make your booking and debit your account with the total amount of points displayed for that round of golf. You will then receive an email from Play More Golf confirming your booking and a unique booking reference. Your profile will be updated to show your most recent booking.

4.6 If you have insufficient points to make the booking you will be taken to the Top up Points page and asked to purchase additional points or renew your membership. You can then follow the process to make a booking again. Play More Golf cannot be held responsible for holding bookings during the Top up process if you have insufficient points to make a booking.

  1. Guests

5.1 If a member decides not to use their points for a guest the guest will pay the prevailing rack rate green fee applicable at the Golf Club or Course in question. A member may only invite the same guest to play a maximum of five times within a calendar year. After this the guest would be required to pay a Standard Green Fee or join the flexible membership scheme.

  1. Juniors

6.1 Junior booking is available as part of your membership. No restriction on the number of times a Junior can accompany a member applies. Members do need to comply with terms and conditions at the relevant Golf Club or Golf Course where a booking has been made.

  1. On the Day

7.1 Show your email and booking reference at the club, they will then find your booking, profile and profile picture to make sure it is you. Failure to evidence your Booking may result in the Club or Course refusing you entry.

Before commencement of play all players must report to Golf reception/shop where a green fee ticket will be issued which must be presented to the starter.

  1. Cancelling or amending a Booking

8.1 All cancellations should be made online via the booking module at least 24hrs before the booked tee time reservation. No re crediting of points will be available for any booking cancelled within 24 hours of the booked tee time.

8.2 If you wish to amend a booking and either add or reduce guests, you are required to cancel your original booking and rebook according to your new requirements.

8.3 Any cancelled booking is only deemed as cancelled upon the receipt of a confirmation email. Any booking cancellation, including reduction in numbers that is not confirmed via email will be deemed as a live booking and non-arrival will result in points being redeemed by the club.

8.4 The club may at any time withdraw all or any part of club facilities for any period or periods where and when it may be deemed necessary for repair, maintenance, alteration safety reasons or for alternative use.

8.5 If you need to cancel a booking please contact the Club where your booking is made who will be able to be of assistance per the instructions on your booking confirmation email.

  1. Golf Buggies, Driving Range and Ancillaries

9.1 Points utilisation for Golf Buggies, Driving Range tokens and ancillary items can only be used at your Home Club and are subject to the terms and conditions of your Home Club. Points can only be redeemed on hire items and driving range tokens on the day of play and cannot be pre-booked unless by special arrangement with the Club direct. Play More Golf is not responsible or liable for any failure by the Club to provide any pre-booked items. All refunds for any of these items is the responsibility of the Club.

  1. Bad Weather

10.1 If in the event a Club deems it necessary to enforce a course(s) closure due to adverse weather on grounds of safety of prevention of undue damage to the course, points for the cancelled booking will be refunded. All refunds need to be processed via the Golf Club or Golf Course administrator for the course in question.

10.2 All clubs reserve the right to restrict / ban at any time the use of the golf buggies and trolleys in accordance with the weather conditions. Any person wishing to hire a golf buggy must sign and adhere to the Conditions of Hire agreement. The club reserves the right to prohibit anyone from hiring a golf buggy without any explanation being given.

10.3 If Bad Weather prevents use of your membership, any extension of your membership is at the discretion of your nominated Home Club and not PlayMoreGolf Limited.

  1. Behaviour

11.1 Each member must adhere to The Rules of Golf and course etiquette at all times both on and off the course. Club and Course dress code must be adhered to at all times whilst on the golf course. Each member is responsible for making their guests aware of their home golf course etiquette and ensuring their guests are aware of their own insurance liability.  Inappropriate behaviour both on and on the course may result in your membership being cancelled without refund. This includes inappropriate use of social media towards the club or PlayMoreGolf.
11.2 Where a membership has been cancelled due to clause 11.1, any finance outstanding via Premium Credit Limited will still be required to be repaid.

  1. Injury

12.1 Play More Golf cannot accept any liability for accident, injury or misadventure. Members and their guests are responsible for making their own insurance arrangements in respect of any injuries suffered or caused to them, or caused by them and any third party

  1. Payment Terms

13.1 We accept the following credit or debit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Switch, Delta and Connect. Corporate customer paying by cheque, Bacs or telegraph transfer will not be able to access their account until Play More Golf is in receipt of cleared funds.

13.2 If a Play More Golf member has opted in to the automated annual renewal payment scheme a payment will automatically be taken based on the most recent 80 Home points transaction, or multiples of 80 Home Points, exactly 12 months from the last points purchase/top up. Email reminders will be sent to the members who have opted in to the automated annual renewal scheme.

13.3 For all Corporate Memberships purchased at Private Members Clubs no VAT reclaims are possible. Neither PlayMoreGolf nor the nominate Home Club that is a Private Members Club are liable for the ability to not reclaim VAT on purchases.

13.4 It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that a valid up today credit or debit card is provided for the Instalment Payment plan. If a payment details provided change during the course of the Instalment Payment plan please call on 0330 5556555 or email customerservices@playmore.golf to advise of a change and a customer services representative will assist. For data protection purposes please do not email any credit card details as all payment details are only processed at point to purchase via secure Merchant Services gateways and no customer financial information is held by PlayMoreGolf.

13.5 All repayments financed by Premium Credit Limited are governed by your financial agreement with Premium Credit Limited.  PlayMoreGolf Limited is not responsible for any matters regarding PlayMoreGolf Limited does not receive any commission payments from Premium Credit. PlayMoreGolf Limited is only a Credit Broker and not a lender.  

  1. Privacy Policy

14.1 In the UK we operate and are registered in accordance with applicable UK data protection legislation.

14.2 For a copy of our privacy policy go to https://www.playmore.golf/privacy-policy

  1. Cookies Policy

15.1 We use Cookies on our site to collect data about your visit to our website. We use this information to design a better experience using tools such as Google Analytics.

15.2 For a copy of our Cookies Policy go to https://www.playmore.golf/cookie-policy/

  1. Limitation of Liability

16.1 When you book a round of golf at any Golf Club or Golf Course available through Play More Golf Limited, Play More Golf, its officers, agents and/or consultants have no liability whatsoever in contract, tort, or otherwise for your acts, omissions or opinions and is in no way responsible for your behaviour. This means that Play More Golf is in no way liable or responsible for your health and safety at any time.

16.2 Neither we nor any other party (whether or not involved in producing, maintaining or delivering this Website), shall be liability or responsible for any kind of loss or damage that may result to you or a third party as a result of your or their use of our website. This exclusion shall include servicing or repair costs and, without limitation, any other direct, indirect or consequential loss, and whether in tort or contract or otherwise in connection with this Website.

16.3 Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit liability for (i) death or personal injury caused by negligence (as defined by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977); (ii) fraud; (iii) misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter; or (iv) any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under the law of the United Kingdom.

  1. Changes to Terms and Conditions and Points Matrix

17.1 Play More Golf Limited reserves the right to change the terms and conditions and you are encouraged to refer to the terms and conditions regularly for changes. Play More Golf courses maybe withdrawn or added to the flexible membership scheme at any time.

17.2 Changes to the Points matrix or Competitions you are entitled to play in are at the discretion of the Home Cub or the Club you are visiting. Amendments to the matrix does not constitute a change of contractual terms of the membership or the basis for termination of your membership, refund or recompense by the Golf Club or PlayMoreGolf Limited.

17.3 Golf Clubs can amend the Points Matrix up to 5 times per calendar month and are not required to inform members of changes made. It is the responsibility of the member to check the points matrix for their nominated Home Club or club they wish to play at using Flexi Points of any changes.

17.4 Despite clubs being able to amend their Points Matrix per clause 17.3, this will not affect your points matrix during your membership year.  This does mean you may be operating on a different matrix compared to other members depending on when you renew or join.  The only amendment to a matrix you will experience during your membership year might be a reduction in points value following amendment by the club.

17.5 Operating on a different points matrix to other members does not constitute an act of discrimination and is not the basis of seeking refund outside of your14 day cooling off period from the point of purchase.

  1. If you need to contact us

18.1 If you are experiencing a problem, we are sorry to hear that. If your problem involves being unable to enjoy your booking, interruption of your round or any cancellations, please contact the Club in the first instance, who will be happy to help.

18.2 If you need to contact Play More Golf You can contact the team at customerservices@playmore.golf and we will make every effort to reply to your query promptly upon receiving your e- mail. We really appreciate any feedback so please do not hesitate to contact us.

18.3 For all non-booking or Flexi point balance related matters please contact our customer services team at customerservices@playmore.golf

18.4 For all matters relating to Premium Credit please contact https://help.premiumcredit.com/Additional-Support or call 0344 736 9818

  1. Cancellation and Termination of membership

19.1 A member has the right to cancel their membership and receive a refund based on their outstanding points balance and handling costs of £15 within the first 14 days of purchasing their membership in accordance with Consumer Contract Regulations 2013.  Any top up payments conducted throughout the year also will be entitled to a refund within the first 14 days of payment based on the outstanding number of topped up points less a handling fee of £15.  This will not entitle the member to a full refund.

19.2 All finance agreements provided by Premium Credit Limited also are covered by a cooling off period within the first 14 days and is covered in greater detail in your financial agreement between you and Premium Credit Limited.

19.3 After 14 days all Membership payments and top ups are non-refundable. Any Membership cancellations approved by your club for reimbursement between the first 14 and 30 days of purchase will incur additional administration costs of 8% of the refunded amount. After 30 days of purchase the administrative cost will be 9% of the refunded amount. A minimum fee of £15 per request will be charged and no value will be attributed to friend referral or bonus points awarded.

19.3 Play More Golf reserve the right to terminate membership for a serious breach of rules, or conduct which, in the Club’s or Play More Golf’s reasonable opinion, is damaging to the character or interest of the club or Play More Golf and is offensive to other members of Club and Play More Golf staff.

19.4 The club may at any time withdraw all or any part of club facilities for any period or periods where and when it may be deemed necessary for repair, maintenance, alteration safety reasons or for alternative use. The club may also change the benefits available to members such as competitions or member discounts. Play More Golf will not be liable for such changes and this will not necessitate grounds for cancellation of the membership or reimbursement or damages.

19.5 If a membership wishes to upgrade their account from a Flexible membership to any other membership at the Club an administration charge will be incurred as part of the refund / upgrade.

  1. Transferring Clubs

20.1 If you wish to transfer to a new club at the end of your membership year, you can do so however any retained Home points built at your current Home Club are not transferable as the membership revenues associated with these points will have been received by your current club and not the new club you wish to transfer to.

20.2 You cannot transfer Home Club mid way through your membership year.

  1. Governing Jurisdiction

21.1 This Legal Notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Any dispute(s) arising in connection with this Legal Notice are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of England and Wales.

Date 10/02/2022


Golf Break Promotion

Promotion Code: PMG25

Promotion detail: £25.00 off total cost of booking (minimum group size of 4 pax)

1.1 Member does not need to be the lead name on the booking to apply for the booking discount but must be amongst the travelling party

1.2 Golfbreaks.com Price Promise can be applied in addition to all discounts

1.3 Relevant discount will be displayed clearly within all requested quotes and appear on all customer confirmations when a booking is made

1.4 Discount code must be referenced when making an online enquiry or quoted over the phone to ensure the discount is applied

1.5 Discount cannot be applied retrospectively once a deposit has been paid to secure the booking

1.6 Discount cannot be applied in conjunction with any other Golfbreaks.com promotion however can be used together with venue promotions e.g. 1 in 16 goes free or 20% off drinks.

1.7 Golfbreaks.com reserve the right to withdraw the option of employee discount in exceptional circumstances or due to contractual obligation to our venues

  1. Hussle Promotion Free 7 day trial

2.1 This offer provides a free 7 day trial (Monthly+ Pass) with Hussle when signing up to an ongoing monthly subscription for new customers only.

2.2 At the end of the 7-day promotional period, the membership will renew with a 15% discount applied to the advertised rate for a 1-month minimum initial term, unless the customer has selected to cancel the pass prior to this date.

2.3 After the 1-month initial term the pass will renew at the full advertised rate, unless the customer has selected to cancel the pass prior to this date.

2.4 To claim the offer, users must sign up via the promotional link and enter personal and payment details, but there is no obligation to stay after the 7 day trial period

2.5 This offer is not for use in conjunction with any other offer or discount

2.6 You must be 16 or older

2.7 The promotional discount is only available to individual Playmoregolf customers

2.8 Users may not register multiple accounts to take advantage of this offer multiple times

2.9 The voucher code will not be accepted by participating gyms directly and can only be redeemed against the purchase of a Hussle pass on the Hussle website and has no equivalent cash value.

2.10 The list of available gyms is provided on the Hussle website and may change from time to time.

2.11 Some gyms are excluded from the promotion. If you want to check exclusions with Hussle either chat to them 9am-9pm daily using the LiveChat icon on the Hussle website, or drop them an email on info@hussle.com

2.12 With a Monthly+ pass users can access all gyms that are equal or less in price to their selected gym.

2.13 Please remember to take photographic ID with you when you visit the gym to gain access.

2.14 This promotion is due to expire on 31st July 2021 at 23:59, however Hussle reserves the right to suspend or discontinue this promotion at any time at its sole discretion.

2.15 Once added to a Hussle account, the voucher will be valid to purchase a pass for 30 days

2.16 If the voucher expires before a user uses it, the voucher will not be reapplied.

2.17 For full Terms & Conditions of use please refer to the Hussle website.

  1. Hussle Promotion 50% of a Day Pass

3.1 This promotion applies to new Hussle customers only

3.2 The discount will be applied at checkout provided that the link above is selected, to apply the voucher code to the user’s account

3.3 This offer is not for use in conjunction with any other offer or discount

3.4 This offer is only valid for one Day Pass

3.5 This offer may only be used once per user, and it cannot be transferred to other users

3.6 Users may not register multiple accounts to take advantage of this offer multiple times

3.7 The voucher code will not be accepted by participating gyms directly and can only be redeemed against the purchase of a Hussle pass on the Hussle website and has no equivalent cash value.

3.8 Some gym exclusions apply. The list of available gyms is provided on the Hussle website and may change from time to time.

3.9 Please remember to take photographic ID with you when you visit the gym to gain access.

3.10 This promotion is due to expire on 31t July 2021 at 23:59, however Hussle reserves the right to suspend or discontinue this promotion at any time at its sole discretion.

3.11 Once added to an account, the voucher will be valid to purchase a pass for 30 days.

3.12 If the voucher expires before a user uses it, the voucher will not be reapplied.

3.13 For full Terms & Conditions of use please refer to the Hussle website.

Black Friday 2024

Promotion Dates

  1. Early Access: Between 8AM Tuesday 19th November 2024 and 8PM Thursday 21st November 2024
  2. General Release: Between 8PM Thursday 21st November 2024 and midnight 30th November 2024
  3. PMG Plus Promotion: Between 8AM Tuesday 19th November 2024 until midnight 30th November 2024

Promotion Details

  1. Save £15 and purchase 20 Flexi Points at a discounted price of £65 or
  2. Purchase a full membership or renewal voucher with 20 Home Points worth £70 Pre-loaded. Those who purchase a full membership within the Early Access Period, 8AM Tuesday 19th November 2024 and 8PM Thursday 21st November 2024 will also receive a £20 Renewal Discount Code to be used against their next membership renewal.  This voucher gets generated once the membership/ renewal has been purchased.  This £20 Renewal Discount Code is not applicable for 20 Flexi Point Purchases.
  3. PMG Plus, save £74. Original selling price of £399 down to £325.


Use of the voucher

  1. The voucher once purchased needs to be redeemed with 12 months of purchase
  2. Once the voucher has been redeemed the points/ membership are valid for 12 months from the day of redemption
  3. If purchasing a membership renewal voucher, redeem your voucher before your membership expires to enable you to carry over any leftover home points to your next membership year.


Use of £20 Renewal Discount Code

  1. Renewal Discount Code will be used against renewing next year’s full membership. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion.
  2. The discount code cannot be used against top up points, experience packages or the PMG Plus Package.


Price Increase at PlayMoreGolf Clubs

  1. If there is a cohort change at your club before your voucher is redeemed and the membership price at your chosen club has increased, you will need to pay the price difference to activate your 12-month membership.
  2. If there is a cohort change at your club before your voucher is redeemed and the membership price has decreased, you will receive a discount code with the price difference, which can be used for the purchase of top up points or against your next membership renewal.