
Join us for a Conversation with Golf Industry Expert, Eddie Bullock

Since the release of the first national lockdown earlier this year the golf industry saw a huge resurgence. Many players are returning to the sport and new golfers are being introduced to the game. For many clubs this has been a saving grace, with months of closed courses and lost revenue from some of the busiest months for the sport. But the question is how can this demand be maintained once life starts to return to normal.
Eddie Bullock Webinar image

Since the release of the first national lockdown earlier this year the golf industry saw a huge resurgence. Many players are returning to the sport and new golfers are being introduced to the game. For many clubs this has been a saving grace, with months of closed courses and lost revenue from some of the busiest months for the sport. But the question is how can this demand be maintained once life starts to return to normal.

Here at PlayMoreGolf we have teamed up with golf expert Eddie Bullock who will be involved in a 30 minute online chat, discussing his thoughts on the golf industry post lockdown and looking at the opportunities for golf clubs, discussing what will be the challenges for the years ahead.

Eddie Bullock has been working within the golf industry, using his experience in coaching and mentorship to help senior Team Leaders within golf clubs to identify gaps and adapt to the changing environment. With the CORONA virus affecting numerous businesses around the world, using Eddies skill sets and expertise can help redefine your golf business and make changes to help move your business forward. Working in the golf industry Eddie understands the Board team dynamics, helping senior teams within golf clubs to identify gaps for potential revenue.

The years of experience Eddie has includes working as a Golf Consultant for Thornhill Estates Limited for over 11 years, working as a Honorary President at Golf of Goodwood and running Eddie Bullock Consultancy for over 12 years. Eddie has also received the highest accolade in professional golf, between 2011-2013 with the captaincy of the Professional Golfers Association (PGA).

There is still time to join us for the 30 minutes chat with Eddie on Monday the 30th November at noon. We will also be holding a Q&A session straight after the chat, so you can ask any questions you may have about the industry or your club!

This is a great time of year for all golf clubs across the UK to finalise plans for next year so it’s a great opportunity for anyone within your golf clubs to pick the brains of a leading figure within the industry. Simply click here to register your spot today!

About us
Three golf players in conversation while walking on a golf course

PlayMoreGolf is the first flexible golf membership linking individual golf clubs across the United Kingdom under one membership.