
Winter Golf Hacks to make you Enjoy Playing in the Winter Months

We are not going to lie; Golf in Winter can be tough. There are those Golfers who believe that when the clocks go back, their clubs get stored away and do not come back out until the Spring. But the winter months can be a great time to not only enjoy some time on the golf course but also practice your swing, ready for when competitions heat up.
Ball near a golf hole on a golf course during sun set

We are not going to lie; Golf in Winter can be tough. There are those Golfers who believe that when the clocks go back, their clubs get stored away and do not come back out until the Spring. But the winter months can be a great time to not only enjoy some time on the golf course but also practice your swing, ready for when competitions heat up. For those who are living in England you can prepare for courses reopening from 2nd December while the information below is relevant for those in Wales and Scotland who can continue to play.

The key is how to neutralize the elements allowing you to focus on your game. Here are a few golf hacks that can allow you to use those clubs in the winter months:

  1. Clothing is key – You may feel that this is obvious, but this is where good investment will pay off. Firstly, invest in a good base layer, something that will not limit your golf swing, so your trusty thick jumper will not do the trick. The key is to stay warm with a wafer-thin base layer. Then don’t forget those very important water proof outer layers.

    Keeping your hands dry and warm will be just as important, a wet weather glove is essential allowing firmer grip in the rain, helping you to control the club swing, even when you are battling the elements. It might be a case of needing multiple winter gloves, so be prepared to invest in a couple of well-reviewed accessories. 

Then finally, don’t forget those Long Johns and either doubling up on those socks or if this is difficult a nice pair of winter socks will do.

  1. Other Essential Changes – Now this will be things to consider taking or doing more often while on the course. Getting a winter golf ball such as Callaway Golf Supersoft is important. You will know that the golf ball will travel less distance in the colder weather, partly because the ball flight tends to be higher. The dense air also has more drag on the ball so when its colder the ball will fly slower. Also look at ways to keep your ball warm when not in play, even keeping it in your pocket from green to tee will make a significant difference.

    Keeping the soles of your shoe clean will be important too, don’t let your cleats get lodged, just clean out every so often with your tee, as you don’t want to be slipping around on the course.Finally remember how important the towel can be, chances are one towel will not be enough as will get messy quickly. Take a second towel and keep it in your bag for whenever you will need a clean one, like if you’re caught in a downpour and need to wipe your grips.
  2. Equipment changes and drills – With the ground conditions being somewhat challenging over the winter months and an increase in trolley usage a good carry bag will be essential, but for those you find this a struggle, the next option would be to buy some winter/ hedgehog wheels such as Motocaddy Golf Hedgehog Winter Wheels available from American Golf. The wheels allow minimal ground contact and helps protect fairways and courses. But always check they are compatible with your trolley.
    For those who have already invested in an adjustable driver perhaps put the loft up or slide a weight back to increase launch.   Adding more weight to the heel of the club can help straighten out those shots. If your driver isn’t adjustable, looking at teeing off slightly higher.

Finally getting your short game and wedge play on point can be extremely important in the winter months. Practising this through the winter will have an impact for you all year round. Why not watch Peter Finch’s short game drill video which can be used around the green to improve chipping and pitching.

We would love to hear your thoughts on what you find important on the golf course which has helped improve your game, and what equipment or drills have helped improve your game. Please comment below or on our Facebook page.

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Three golf players in conversation while walking on a golf course

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